Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Pre Festive Preparations

Hi everyone, I have started writing this post at two minutes to midnight on Christmas eve, having just finished all my Christmas chores and preparation. I thought I had done it all last week but then when I started thinking about it there was this and that needing to be picked up from the shops, a few cards I had forgotten and calls needing to be made and so forth! Oooh! It's just turned midnight! Merry Christmas everyone!

Anyway I thought I could jot down some of the things I did on the lead up to Christmas so you can all see how unprepared I was and maybe as a reminder for myself to get started with my preparations FAR EARLIER! July should just about do it!

Back in October my partner and I had a conversation where we agreed we would sit down and work out our Christmas list so that we would know what we needed to buy for each person, work out a budget, and most importantly I could work out what I was making for whom! We never got around to it in the end so I started working in November on some handmade gifts for some of our friends and family, and left the rest until later, as one does!

Here are a few of the things I made...

These guys were fun to decorate!
A boy's stripey scarf
Two little girls rainbow scarves
One of many kinds of biscotti!
Monster hat and scarf set. GRRR!
Man hat in manly colours!
girly owl softie
Ladybird Beanie - Cute!
This took ages! A rainbow capelet. Worth it though!
My Christmas cake! The first year I made one.
A rainbow bracelet for a cupcake fan!
Mince pies on Christmas eve!
Converse booties - a Christmas commission!
rainbow set for a one year old tot! small is always sweet!
When I look at it like that it seems I didn't do too badly really! It has been exhausting though and next year I have promised myself to pick a couple of patterns which I can mass produce and start in at least September making them! Famous last words I know!

We shopped for the other items and gifts we needed last weekend and cleaned our home from top to bottom this weekend so we can laze around at Christmas without guilt! I now feel prepared but I'm not looking forward to waking up in the morning in time to put the bird in the oven! Better get some sleep! 

I hope Santa brings all of you what you asked for and you have a great Christmas break with your families or relaxing with a break from work. See you in the New Year!

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