Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Hello Dolly!

I did it! I have just finished my live webchat about the My Crochet Doll book by Isabelle Kessedjian and I seem to have survived the experience! I was a bit nervous as I am sure you will be able to hear, and I can't believe how Northern my accent still sounds even after all these years of living in Devon!

If you have bought or are thinking of buying the book, this series of slides with commentary from myself and Ame at Stitch Craft Create may help answer a few questions you would have about the usability of the patterns. You may want to just watch it if you know me online for a giggle!

Here are some useful links  to help you with making your crochet doll or amigurumi:

My Instagram feed with some photos of my doll project as well as all sorts of bits and bobs.

#mycrochetdoll - loads of great photos with this tag on Instagram. If you tweet me with this hashtag and ask any questions you may have about making the doll I will see what I can do to help you!

Isabelle Kessedjian's Instagram feed is adorable and she has shared lots of images of the dolls.

Planet June has an amazing blog on which reside a great selection of really clear amigurumi tutorials and videos. She is a clever lady!

Stitch Craft Create is a great place for hooky supplies along with an ideas blog where there are lots of free tutorials and patterns for download.

Of course, if you want to message me here with any questions I will keep an eye out and try to help. I would stress that the book is really easy to follow and that you can make what looks like a really impressive project, using only one stitch and some careful counting. I really loved making mine!

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